Hi, I'm Alex and I used to be a secret ninja master of self-doubt.

I looked competent, organized and confident from the outside — with everything a smart, bold, globe-trotting modern mother and wife is supposed to want…


my own coaching practice, supportive husband, 3 healthy kids, the exotic ex-pat life with the big house, swimming pool and garden. (I even have a housekeeper for goodness sake!) 


But on the inside I struggled with overwhelm as I constantly pushed myself to do and be more. 


More as defined by those success stories that I selectively compared myself to.  


I hired experts in all areas of life and copied social media success stories, always seeking answers outside of myself.  


It was exhausting and every day felt like an uphill battle.


I did what others said and did because I didn’t trust myself.  


The internal wisdom led by my soul’s whisper was so shushed by the rush and the noise that had come to define my inner landscape.


All I heard was:


You should do like them. They know.


You aren’t enough because you don’t work hard enough, you'll never make as much as them.


Look at what they did — it worked for them! If it doesn’t work for you well — fail. 



I kept following everyone else’s advice and path until I realized an important truth:


My answers live inside of me. I just need to get quiet and slow down enough to hear them.

 In March of 2020 I took a Sacred Pause. 


It looked like


Time in the garden

Sitting and listening to the birds and the wind

To the messages within. 


Planting seeds or watering seedlings

Full moon ritual bon fires. 


Long, hot baths in candlelight

Music, meditations, or astrology podcasts.  


I wrote.

I read.

I talked with my Sisters

And my therapist. 


I walked

I danced 

Mindful workouts to shake out the stuff that had weighed me down for so long.


During these walks and workouts…

During these baths and bonfires...

And woven through the magical moments of my Sacred Pause, something beautiful emerged: 


A sense of Full-Aliveness

A healing

A wholeness 

A clear sense of who I am, and what I’m here to do.


I became excited about those parts of myself that I used to hide

My witchy, moon following, Andean Priestess, fierce side.


It’s all quite literally WILD.

Beautiful, bold and empowering inside.


I’ve never felt so connected to my body, the Earth and the cosmos. 


I’ve never looked back.


Today I work with smart ambitious women who are on a mission to make the world a better place — they know they’re here for a reason, with a soul mission, but feel stuck and impotent in reaching their potential and fulfilling this purpose. 

I help women get out of their own way by accessing their divine higher self and inner wisdom so they can be the authentic and unstoppable change maker they were born to be. 


Simply put, my mission is to help you clear the conscious and subconscious clutter, so that your soul mission can come to fruition.


I do this through online group coaching programs and magical transformational hypnosis experiences that I call Soul Journeys.


With each woman I work with, sacred space opens up and a soul mission is brought to life.


CLICK HERE to learn how this happens in just one magical afternoon.


One Soul Journey with Alex felt like getting a year's worth of therapy. The session was life changing, so powerful. It was truly a monumental experience I'll remember forever. It was amazing, I can't stop thinking about it! I am blown away by Alex and her gentle yet powerful ability to lead me back to myself. She helped me narrow in on what I wanted to focus on through the journey, and helped me uncover parts of myself that I wasn't consciously aware of. I felt safe with her, I trusted that she would hold sacred space for me, and she did. All women need to experience this. If you feel like you know the answer to what you are seeking is just around the corner, Alex will help you access it. This is what you need to become unstuck, you need to deeply listen to yourself.

~ Beth Ryan Powers, CEO and Founder of Beth Ryan Media

Alex is so gentle and has a gracious energy and ability to support women who are struggling with inner knowing. In just one session with her, my soul's purpose was confirmed and clarified. I gained a perspective that offered me tremendous meaning and peace. 

~ Dr. Maryska Taylor, BSc Kin, MTS, ND

Alex is an expert guide. If you are thinking of doing a Soul Journey with her, do it! The experience was absolutely phenomenal. After just one afternoon with her, I felt fully supported, more peaceful and prepared to take on the challenges of this time.

~ Catherine Middlebrooks, CEO and Founder of brbyoga.com


Thank you Alex for deftly guiding me to through this beautiful healing and  profoundly illuminating experience. I felt called forward into the deepest truth of myself. You are truly gifted! 

~ Sinclair Kennally, CEO and Founder of Vision Nation



Alex is a clear channel with an uncanny energetic alignment. She helped me to gain clarity on why I'm here and the gift I have to offer the World at this time, in a very natural and super connected way. 

~ Rosalie Puiman, Founder of The Sovereign Leader

I believe you landed on this page for a reason. 


We are on the edge of a new era.


And you're a critical component in determining the direction and evolution it will take.


This means you’ve got to get clear on who you are and what you’re here to do. 


You need to get out of your own way, dig up that self-confidence and 'I-don’t-give-an-f*ck' courage and claim your life mission (and life!) as your own. 


In other words,  it’s time for that bold, authentic, and fully expressed version of your whole self to wake the heck up. 



Here's where we can start:

Plug yourself into 8 minutes of confidence-boosting inner peace.

My as-official-as-it-gets bio  


I'm a certified energy healer and intuitive life coach, a life-long researcher and writer who is currently working to be ordained as an Andean Priestess.


I'm a Peruvian-Canadian expat mom who has lived in 8 countries, speaks 4 languages and holds an MPhil in Development Studies from the UK, and a BA in Environmental Studies from Canada.


Most importantly, I'm an Earth loving, tarot reading, astrology junky (Pisces with Capricorn rising) currently based in Brazil with 3 strong personality kiddos and ever-loving left-brained husband.


You can likely find me in the bath, garden, dancing under the moon or riding through a forest on my grey stallion, Cinza — divine masculine incarnate 😉.


Let's Socialize!

Check out my sacred behind-the-scenes livin' over on Instagram...