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The Arts of Letting Go and Magicianship Living: a podcast with conscious creator, conduit of healing through light and touch.

Season #10 Episode #56

Welcome to Episode 56 of the Witchhunt podcast. This is a story of real life magic and miracles. And of what it takes to live a life of magicianship. Meet Danielle Brooks, serial without-a-plan-meanderer, conscious creator, self-healing cancer survivor and conduit of a healing frequency through song and touch. You are going to be blown away by Danielle’s story and enchanted by her voice. Sidenote: My personal challenge recording this episode was simply not going into deep relaxation and trance just by hearing her voice. Danielle shares her jaw-dropping story of how she went from the epitome of success to losing everything — cancer diagnosis and homeless at ground zero after 9/11. She tells us how she opened herself to the Mystery, learning from traditional healers of ancient lineages in the Phillipines and Brazil. And how she not only healed herself, but came to be a healer to others. And how one Easter weekend, she found herself in the sacred Cave of the White Lady in the Philippines, went into a deep trance to be sung through by the Mother of Creation, amongst other light beings. This is an unbelievable (and I don’t use that word lightly) story of surrender, humility and integrity. Of being broken down and cracked open into becoming a conduit of higher frequency, so as to support and uplift the sacred remembering in people. Get ready to be enchanted by Danielle’s voice, and blown away by her story. Enjoy!

More about Danielle:

Danielle is a sacred singer, a globetrotting adventurer and torchbearer of the larger vision and higher realms. She carries the Creation codes that when sung, open Universal wisdom, initiate sacred expansion into Oneness and offer profound healing. She is a way shower to Divine Surrender, freedom and living in alignment with Soul Essence.
For the past 22 years, Danielle has been assisting people all over the world to reconnect to their truth, inner power and highest joy. She has dedicated the past 6 years to working primarily with Gaia and our oceans in remote parts of the world.
Her path has always been one of radical trust and transformation through the power of self love and acceptance. In 2001, diagnosed with cancer, she left an unhealthy marriage and moved across the world only to find herself alone, at ground zero, on 9/11. Pain was a patient teacher that ultimately led her into a joy filled way of living.
In 2005 the Divine Mother began to sing through Danielle and a new form of vibrational medicine emerged. Combined with her background in Philippine and Brazilian psychic surgery, mysticism and shamanism, Danielle offers a unique and powerful way to transform yourself and create a heart centred way of living that is natural and true. An eternal student of the light, Danielle holds a PhD in Human Development and Religion.
You may not realize it but your greatest gifts have come from the deepest challenges. Scars really do become marks of beauty. Danielle invites you to experience this transformation too.

For more information please contact Danielle at:
[email protected]